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At Fatima Cachalia Physiotherapists, our primary aim is to provide holistic yet innovative physiotherapy services tailored to meet the individual needs of our patients.

Our skilled physiotherapists are proficient in assessing your specific requirements and devising a customised treatment plan to address injuries or disabilities, aid in symptom control, and improve your overall health.


Our expertise covers a wide array of physiotherapy services, offering diverse treatment programs including post-operative care (cardiothoracic and general surgery), neurological issues (CVA, GBS), chest, muscle, and joint conditions (including back/neck pain), orthopedic problems, and sports-related injuries.


Hospital Patient Physiotherapy Session

The Role of Physiotherapy in Heart and Lung Operations Recovery

If you've recently undergone surgery for your heart or lungs, physiotherapy is an essential component of your recovery. From breathing exercises to specialised cardiac training and general strengthening, our team will work with you to get you back to your best.


Picture of mans leg in knee protection gear with crutches on the side

Assisting Your Recovery After

a Broken Bone

Recovering from a bone, tendon or ligament injury is never easy, but rest assured we're here to help you every step of the way. We take you from being immobile ppst operatively, to walking independently with a walking aid, and finally we provide rehabilitation to restore your best level of function.


Physiotherapy for headaches

EmphasiSing a Holistic Approach to Treatment through Myofascial and Joint Therapy

Our approach to treatment involves a combination of techniques, including Myofascial and Joint therapy, to restore mobility and promote good posture in the upper spine. Our emphasis is on a holistic approach to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.


Knee with Physio Tape

Understanding the Multifaceted Nature of Pain and the Importance of Holistic Approaches to Treatment

Pain is a complex, multidimensional experience requiring a comprehensive recovery approach. Several evidence-based interventions are tailored to help you regain functionality. However, the most crucial aspect of treatment is self-care. We empower you to make informed, healthy decisions that will restore you to your best self.

Neurological Rehabilitation

Old Man doing rehabiilitation physiotherapy

Emphasising Strength, Mobility, and Functionality to achieve the best outcomes in their rehabilitation progress

Our team has extensive experience in the field of neurology, and our primary goal is to improve strength, mobility, and functionality for our patients. We strive to help them attain their best possible outcome. We work closely with patients' families and caregivers to ensure that they are a part of the rehabilitation process.


Our rehabilitation program is designed to help individuals suffering from brain, spinal cord, and nerve disorders, including but not limited to Strokes, Gullian Barre, Multiple Sclerosis, and peripheral neuropathy.

(stokes, parkinsons, multiple sclerosis)


Back Assessment Physiotherapy

Enhancing Muscles and Joint Health through Customised Treatment Plans 

We specialise in treating a diverse range of conditions that impact muscles and joints. Whether it's degenerative joint conditions, back and neck pain, or acute and chronic injuries, we work with each patient to determine the best course of action to achieve optimal outcomes.


Our focus is on pain reduction, enhancing mobility, and improving your overall quality of life.

We utilise evidence-based treatments to ensure that you receive the most effective care available. Our team remains updated on the latest research and techniques to deliver optimal outcomes for you.

(back, neck, joints, arthritis)


Physiotherapist at work

Physiotherapy treatment for fibromyalgia increases energy levels, decreases pain, and improves sleep and function.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition characterised by widespread musculoskeletal pain, hyperalgesia, and allodynia. It is frequently accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression.

While the exact cause of fibromyalgia remains unknown, it is thought to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors that impact health, quality of life, and social interactions. Our physiotherapists excel in evaluating your specific requirements and creating a personalised treatment strategy to mitigate injuries or disabilities, assist in symptom management, and enhance your overall well-being.


Stretching at Physiotherapy

Physical therapy is crucial in managing patients with long COVID,


as it can enhance symptoms and overall physical well-being.

Long COVID is a lingering condition that follows the initial COVID-19 infection, marked by a range of symptoms like fatigue, muscle pain, sleep disruptions, cognitive difficulties, as well as respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, neurological, and dermatological issues.

Prior to commencing physiotherapy sessions, we perform a comprehensive assessment to evaluate the patient's physical condition, functional capabilities, and restrictions. Following this assessment, our team will decide on the type and intensity of exercises and create a personalised plan that includes a variety of exercises and educational strategies like Breathing exercises, Cardiovascular Exercises, Resistance Training, Balance, and Coordination exercises.


Stress Management Physiotherapy

EmphasiSing a Holistic Approach to Treatment through Myofascial and Joint Therapy

At the core of our stress management interventions lies a comprehensive initial assessment.


While the main focus of Physiotherapy is on enhancing physical function and mobility, it can also positively impact mental health. Our stress management techniques and treatments are designed to enhance a patient's overall health and well-being. Incorporating exercise into your routine can be an effective way to reduce stress, and physiotherapy plays a crucial role in alleviating pain and addressing health concerns that may be affecting your well-being.


Physiotherapy for leg injury

collaborating with athletes of diverse levels to aid in injury prevention, recovery, and performance enhancement.

Whether you are recovering from an injury or aiming to enhance your athletic performance, our specialised sports physiotherapy approach caters to your unique needs and assists you in returning to your activities.


Our proficient physiotherapy team has vast experience in working with athletes across all proficiency levels, from casual to professional. We develop personalised treatment strategies tailored to your specific athletic demands, supporting you in reaching your objectives and returning to your sporting activities.

picture of spine drawn on a white paper


WhatsApp Testimonial Screenshot

Jeandre Slabbert

Picture of a right foot anatomy




This treatment method focuses on reviving breathing and movement by transitioning the nervous system from a defensive mode. It involves utilising precise fascial release methods and neuro-lymphatic pressure points.

By providing the body with the necessary support, it promptly transforms, leading to enhanced strength, speed, and resilience.

Be - Activated Technique


Dry needling involves utilising extremely thin acupuncture needles that are inserted into muscle or fascial trigger points. This technique releases muscular trigger points, tightness and spasm which can be causing pain and movement dysfunctions.

Dry - Needling


Lynotherapy holistic health approach that employs a comprehensive assessment to pinpoint regions in the body where unaddressed physical and emotional trauma leads to limitations in fascia mobility, contributing to chronic pain and recurring injuries. Our gentle approach includes soft touch, mindful breathing, attentive presence, and deliberate movement to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This helps release fascia restrictions and restore essential neural pathways for improved functionality.



A device that emits low-frequency electromagnetic waves, mimicking the body's natural frequencies to enhance the body's self-healing and detoxification mechanisms.

  • Utilised to address a range of ailments such as arthritis, chronic fatigue, circulatory issues, respiratory conditions, wounds, and depression, as well as to expedite recovery from sports injuries and infections.

  • The duration of Rife treatments varies based on the specific condition(s) being addressed, with separate charges applicable. Additionally, it is feasible to schedule Rife sessions independently without a hands-on Physio session.


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